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Which Heat Pump is Right For Your Home?

If you're in the market for a new heat pump for your home, there are several options to consider. There are air source, open-loop, and Mitsubishi Hyper Heat(tm) heat pumps available in the market. Knowing which type is right for your home is critical for the long-term health of your heat pump.
Air-source heat pumps are energy efficient. They have a coefficient of performance, or COP, of four or higher, meaning that they produce four units of heat per unit of electricity consumed. Air-source heat pumps tend to perform best in mild or moderate weather, with the exception of very cold weather. As the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures increases, COP approaches one, which limits the efficiency of air-source heat pumps.
The indoor unit of an air-source heat pump consists of a heat exchanger coil. It may also have a fan to distribute the heated air. The system is connected to the air distribution system by ductwork. The outdoor unit and the indoor unit work together to move heat from indoor to outdoor.
The minimum operating temperature of an air-source heat pump is around -15degC. It is possible for air-source heat pumps to function at even lower temperatures, but they may need supplementary heating. In very cold temperatures, these heat pumps may lose their ability to heat the house. Consequently, most air-source installations require supplementary heating.
Air-source heat pumps can be highly efficient and offer considerable energy savings. These systems can provide hot water and space heating. The efficiency of an air-source heat pump depends on the climate in the area, the type of system used, and the control strategy used to manage the system. There are many online energy savings calculators that can help determine the cost and benefits of using an air-source heat pump in your home.
An open-loop heat pump system works by using water from a well to heat or cool a home. The water is then pumped through the geothermal heat pump coil and returned to the ground. The heat produced by the heat pump is rejected into the water, and the water absorbs that heat.
An open-loop system typically uses a borehole, but can also use a spring, stream, or river as the source. A borehole pump delivers water to the heat pump, which is connected to a distribution system. Because groundwater temperatures are relatively constant throughout the year, the heat pump can be used year-round.
Open-loop systems are more efficient than closed-loop systems. They do not require a permit for smaller systems, but they do require a permit for larger systems. Applicants should contact the Environment Agency for advice on any permit requirements, and to ensure that the heat pump is compatible with local regulations.